The process described here applies to creating an illustration for an existing client. It is also possible to create an illustration as part of the onboarding journey for a new client, click the link below to see how that's done:
Creating a new client via illustration
Let's get started!
- Log in to the Adviser Portal.
- Click the Quick Create button and choose illustration, or select Tools in the top menu, then Illustrations and click Create new illustration.
- Input a name for the illustration; try and be specific within the illustration name field as this will help you if you need to find this again later on. This will be particularly handy if you are creating several pots for different investment strategies.
- Select 'No' to this being for a new client, and use the search field to find the client you are creating the illustration for.
- Now enter the required information for adviser details and select a wrapper type. The Business/Adviser field will be pre-filled based on the Adviser this client is currently registered with on the platform.
- For Pension wrappers, you will need to input the product provider as Soderberg Pension, then enter the wrapper status and retirement age.
- Under illustration period, enter the intended start date for this plan. For Pension wrappers, the plan length field will auto-populate based on the client's retirement age, DOB and start date of the plan. Otherwise, you will need to enter the intended plan length. Please note that all illustrations must be at least one year long so please adjust the retirement age accordingly.
- Next choose the investment strategy and the adviser charges applicable. If you have selected a model, the applicable DFM fee will pull through automatically. This is amendable, but bear in mind amending it here will only affect the illustration and not what is applied on platform.
- In the existing assets field, enter the value of the wrapper you are illustrating for. In the 'total of other assets on platform' field, enter the combined value of the client's other holdings on platform which will have an effect on the tiered platform charge. Here you may also add in the holdings of other linked clients where family linking is in effect.
- Next, enter the value of any additional planned payments or transfers in to this wrapper. For a Pension wrapper, you can specify whether this is a Personal or Employer contribution type.
- For a Drawdown Pension, you may add the uncrystallised amount and also crystallisation and/or regular monthly withdrawals.
- If this a GIA or ISA wrapper, you will have the option of inputting a single or regular withdrawal also.
- Ensure all relevant sections are completed , then click Review and a summary page will appear. Select Edit to make changes, or Submit if everything is correct. You cannot make changes after submission, you would need to start again, so do make sure you have checked this thoroughly!
- The system generates a PDF document for you that is ready to download. The document is fully compliant and covers pre cost disclosures under MiFID II.
- The document downloads to your computer and you can now save it locally and include it in the suitability pack for your client.
Are you interested in how the growth rates are calculated in the illustration tool? Please see more info here in our FAQ: How are growth rates determined in the illustration tool?