We understand that it’s important to you that your clients receive the appropriate level of support which aligns with the FCA’s focus on getting the right client outcomes.
To aid you with this, we have added a question to the new client creation journey where you will need to confirm whether a client requires additional support, recorded using the four drivers identified by the FCA – health, life events, resilience and capability. You will also be required to indicate whether the additional support is temporary or not.
How will this affect me?
When setting up a new client in the platform, you will now be presented with this mandatory field. You will be required to answer this question in order to create the client record.
How will this affect my clients?
This flag is not visible to clients, it is there to assist you as the Adviser. It will also mean that our Adviser Support Specialists at Söderberg can see if a client is vulnerable, so if we are contacted by them, we can provide them with the appropriate care and support.
Where can I find and amend this information once the client is live?
You can view and amend this information within the ‘Client Details’ tab on the individual client record. This is not currently included within the MI reporting suite ‘Looker’, but it will be added soon. In the meantime, we can provide you with an ad hoc report on demand if required.
When will this take effect?
This change is effective as of Friday 2nd August.
If you have live clients already in the system, you may go to the client record and click ‘edit’ to add this information. Otherwise, you will be prompted to do this the next time you come to amend that client’s details e.g. a change of address.
Feedback and queries
As always, we are very open to any feedback you may have, and we’re here to answer any questions.
Feel free to email us on or call us on 0117 463 5100.