Asset availability
We have made available around 400 equities (S&P500 and the FTSE350) which are immediately tradeable on the platform. If there are any equities that are not on the platform, but you would like to add, please get in touch.
Fractional trading
Our platform facilitates fractional trading of exchange traded instruments – this means that equities, investment trusts, and ETFs can be traded up to four decimal places. Buys and sells are daily aggregated at the below times.
- Sells – 3:00pm
- Buys – 3:15pm
Orders submitted before the cut-off times will be routed to market same day, with orders submitted after achieving the next working day.
Trading charges
Orders in exchange traded instruments (equities, ETFs, investment trusts) are charged at 5bps, which is deducted from the order amount prior to routing to market. For example, if I submit an order of £100 in equity A, a 5p trading charge is taken and £99.95 is routed to market for execution.
As always, we are very open to any feedback that you may have, and we’re here to answer any questions.