For ongoing platform, adviser and DFM fees, there is a monthly fee run which takes place on the 10th calendar day of the month (or the following working day if this falls on a bank holiday or weekend). This covers the previous calendar month. The fee is calculated and the fee transaction will generate, along with any necessary orders/sells if there is insufficient cash. The fee payment is then paid on the following Friday via BACS. Usually this would land in your bank account by the Tuesday, but please allow 3-5 working days for BACS payments. If sales were necessary and there is insufficient cash to make the payment by the Friday, the residual fees will be paid the following Friday.
For initial and ad hoc adviser fees, the fee transaction will generate immediately when cash is available in the account. Anything accrued between the previous Friday and Thursday is paid on a weekly basis every Friday. Again, these are paid by BACS, so will generally arrive by Tuesday, but allow 3-5 working days.
Where there is insufficient cash available to pay for fees and a sell down is required, funds will be sold down to pay for the entire amount that is due.