We ask that you provide us with either a copy of the POA document or an access code for the gov.uk website where details of the POA can be found. We will accept a scanned copy of the POA. This should be sent to servicecentre@soderbergpartners.com. We will then make a record of this so that going forwards we can deal with the holder of the POA.
It is the responsibility of the IFA firm to update the client record with the address and email address of the POA in the appropriate circumstances, which will mean all communications will automatically be sent to the individual with POA rather than the client.
There is currently nowhere within the platform to reflect that a POA is in place for a client, this is held as a record in our back office which is not visible to the IFA or the client. You do have the option to select an Account Name for each individual wrapper that the client holds, and this is a free type field, so you could use this field to indicate a POA. Otherwise, you will need to keep a record of this within your own CRM system.