You are unable to amend a regular crytallisation directly, however you can cancel this and reset it up. You can do this by following the below process:
- First, locate your client in the system, either via the Clients tab in the top menu, or by using the Client Search Function
- Then go to the clients SIPP Account, click Account Actions and Crystallise
- You will then see the existing regular crystallisation the client has set up.
- You will then need to press Cancel and re set up the regular crystallisation with the amounts needed.
You can also access the crystallisation at client level. Locate the client record in question and then go to the 'Overview' tab:
If there is an existing regular crystallsaiton instruction in place then an additional drop-down will show on this page called 'Regular crystallisations'. Click on it and you'll be able to see any regular crystallisation instructions that are setup for this client.
You can then cancel it in the same way as detailed earlier.