Locate the client in question and go into the ‘Accumulation SIPP’ account that you’d like to check for a crystallization on. Click on ‘Account actions’ and ‘Crystallise’, as though you are trying to submit a crystallisation.
At the top of the form you’ll be able to see whether or not there is an existing regular instruction in place:
This is how to check at account level but you can also check at client level. Locate the client record in question and go to the ‘Overview’ tab:
If there is an existing regular crystallisation instruction in place then an additional drop-down will show on this page called ‘Regular crystallisations’. Click on it and you’ll be able to see any regular crystallisation instructions that are setup for this client:
If you click on an instruction in this drop-down you’ll be navigated into the crystallisation form where you can, again, see the entry at the top of the page as a prompt to let you know that one is currently setup and active.
On this page you have the option to cancel the instruction and setup a new one if for example you needed to provide updated lump-sum allowance figures or indeed if anything else fundamental about the client’s pension circumstances has changed.