Payments In
- Do payment expectations expire?
- Can I skip a regular collection / take a payment holiday?
- How do I remove an existing regular payment?
- How do I amend an existing regular payment?
- How can I tell if a client has a Direct Debit Mandate in place?
- What happens if a regular collection date falls on a bank holiday or weekend?
- How long does it take to set up a new Direct Debit Mandate to collect single and regular payments?
- How do I amend an expectation?
- When are regular collections/direct debits collected?
- Where can I see if funds have been received?
- How long will it take for funds to be applied once a client has made a payment, or a direct debit payment has been collected?
- How long can you hold a client’s funds before these are returned?
- Can you accept funds from a bank account that is not registered against a client?
- What happens if my client sends a payment for the wrong amount or with the wrong reference?
- Can payments for two separate clients or accounts be sent in one bank transfer and then split upon receipt?
- What bank details should my client send contributions to?
- What payment reference should my client use when sending contributions?
- Is there a minimum amount for payments in?